So we can support all older adults, right where we live.

We depend on people like you to make a difference in our community.

Donations and financial support from local businesses and the community (people like you!) are crucial. But your gift is more than a donation. It’s a life-changer. You’ll help older adults stay healthier, active and connected every day. In and out of their homes.

Think about what the older adults in your life have meant to you. Here’s your chance to say thank you.

How to donate

We are a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization, so your donations are tax deductible. Please support older adults in our communities through monetary donations, or through gifts of needed items.

You can donate online by selecting the Donate button below. This will take you to our secure donation page where you can use your credit or debit card to make a gift anytime.


You can also mail a check, payable to The Helm, to:

The Helm Donations
158 Ridge Road
Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236

To donate by phone, or if you have questions, contact Liz Johnson at (313) 649-2104. Online donations will immediately receive a printable email receipt. Mailed or phoned-in donations will receive a printed receipt in the mail within two weeks.

Consider Including The Helm in Your Estate Planning

Your bequest can ensure that seniors continue to receive our services for years to come. Please call us at (313) 649-2104 for more information.


“This place is full of friendly, active, lovely people that all help each other.”

Usha S.
Helm Life Participant

“The people who work here are wonderful, generous and kind. I always enjoy mixing with people before I deliver Meals on Wheels, we have great conversations and laugh a lot.”

– Bernie B.
Helm Life Volunteer


Patti & Jim Anderson

Ascension St. John Hospital

Laurie & John Blatt

Tracy & Doug Blatt

John A. & Marlene L. Boll Foundation

Jana & Stephen Brownell

Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan

Henry Ford Health System

Peggy & Peter Kross

Ann & Jim Nicholson, PVS Chemicals Inc.


10,255 Volunteer Hours

with a value to the community of $326,000

25,919 Meals

delivered to homebound older adults through Meals on Wheels

16,660 Rides

on Pointe Area Assisted Transportation Services (PAATS) buses to medical appointments, shopping and errands

2,337 Unique Sessions

of classes, presentations, workshops, health screenings and social activities attended by nearly 1,300 individuals