
Donations and financial support from local businesses and the community (people like you!) are crucial. But your gift is more than a donation. It’s a life-changer. You’ll help older adults stay healthier, active, and connected every day. In and out of their homes.

How to Donate

Mail Donations

Send a check payable to

“The Helm”

To the following address,

158 Ridge Road
Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236

Online Donations

Click the “Donate” button below to visit our secure donation page, where you can use your credit or debit card to make a gift at any time.

Phone Donations

To donate by phone or for any questions please contact,

Liz Johnson


If you donate online, you will receive a printable email receipt immediately, while if you send in a mail or phone donation, a printed receipt will be mailed to you within two weeks.

Did you know Kroger donates a portion of purchases to charitable organizations?

You can designate your dollars to go to The Helm!

Click here or on the Kroger logo, and you can either sign in or create an account. You’ll be asked to link your card to an organization by searching for it. You can search for The Helm or type in our organization number, AH673.

That’s all it takes! Thank you for thinking of us!

Consider including The Helm in your estate planning. Your bequest can ensure that seniors continue receiving our services for years. Please call us at 313.649.2104 for more information.

Receive The Helm Life Journal

Stay in the loop! Receive news and updates on our programs and activities with The Helm Life Journal sent directly to your inbox. (Print copies are available at The Helm and various community businesses.)